I wanted to write about this for sometime now but is not until this moment that I have the opportunity to really talk about Starseeds and their descriptions. Have in mind that we are going to identify in some levels with more than one because we been working side by side for too long that we been improving and learning some trails from each one other. What I want you to do is while you are reading the descriptions please be honest with yourself and focus in those trails that you know for a fact you feel, think or act and not focus in the things you desire or feel you want to do or may describe you. If you really want to know what type of race you are be honest and focus in the things you know you are in the most deeper sense of your Soul. And yes some of you can be like me Hybrids that is the union of two different energies or species creating you for an specific purpose as Father and Mother needed you to be. But if you want to validate or know for a fact what race you are, you can always have a Soul Path reading with me as well. So, let's begin this journey of Self-Knowledge.
Something I may add is that I am not focusing from where the races are coming because in my experience and learning process working with them, even each one of the species have a home planet not all of them or us where created or coming from the home planet, if that make sense. By example I am a Andromeda and Pleaides hybrid, but I wasn't created in any of the home planets of this two Starseeds, even I can remember the 7 sister planets from Pleaides and the Andromeda planet because I spend time in both places, so I can learn and know from what is a way my homes, they are not my home planet, so I hope this help. So in here I am going to focus in the physical and personalities characteristics.
1. Orion Starseeds. One of the strongest characters I'm been able to meet from all the species. And when I say strong is because how decisive they can be. Here are some other characteristics from them:
Curious about things that are related to some aspects of science like chemistry, biology, astronomy, genetics, etc..
Driven by metal connections and anything that has that mentally aspects.
Hunter when not align with their purpose of creation and that can makes them cold.
Algin with the Universe that makes them thirst for knowledge, science and technology.
Feel a deep crave or impulse to support in developing the Human Mind.
Sense of humor even they can be the life of the party is not always something they choose to show.
Blue-Rays Consciousness access knowledge when they do the work with become one with them Selves in here.
Something they need is strong teachers that they can be align and trust.
Need their own solitary space to recharge.
Perfectionist or a little bit of a Control person.
Logical with a great memory.
Work perfectly under pressures.
Some time people would say they are Know it all kind of people.
Black and white thinking so they can be stubborn sometimes.
Interest in ancient cultures and societies as a form of understanding why or how we are in this position now.
Task oriented so they love details more than the big picture.
And something I love is how optimistic they are.
2. Mintakan Starseeds. Even they are not well known and is just a few here in the planet earth. I'm been honor to meet two of them one here as a human being and the other through my friend when he decided to be created so he can show how he look. What I loved it from this two encounters was the direct way of talking and sharing they can be.
People pleasing, they have a lot of struggle trying to fit and understand who this planet works and how to please others.
Live by example, they really live by rules and specially through their believes.
Love the water so they can be drawn to beach, ocean, rivers, etc
Some of them have a deep love for whales and dolphins
One of the most Highest Vibrations I met so far.
Love to support in the Healing of others.
Writing is a great way for them to communicate.
Love to leave in places that water is close by and even to swim (some of them can be afraid of the ocean, etc but is because something from the past)
Curious and ambitious.
They need to feel they live in their mission
Live in the moment
The majority of them are kind of nomad type of people as well.
3. Sirian Starseeds. I have the blessing that my sister is a Sirian starseed so I know how determine they can be and how much their privacy means to them. One of the most fierce ones that I know are the Sirian starseeds.
Lie detectors and deceptions as well.
Just a 10% of them are incarnated here in the planet.
Doers and protectors.
Drawn to lost civilizations and ancient cultures.
Love the canines like wolves, dogs, etc.
Spiritual individuals but most of the time they don't share it until they can trust you.
Embrace the ways of the Earth
Have hard time with communication in relationships, that make others see them as closed - off or cold.
Most of them love metaphysics, magic, witchcraft and alternative healing
Even they love canines they can have some human trails as cat so some of them may have both
Love Sci-fi
Determent and driven by personal power.
Love to study and research.
Some have a hard time dealing with the past.
Prefer small groups, having a small group of friends.
They are stable, calm and no drama in some cases
Fixers and guardians of knowledge
They support the human being when they try to move us rather that make us stay in the past.
Deep connection as well with the water element.
Great sense of humor and silliness when they are with the correct group of souls.
4. Lyran Feline Starseeds. I am so grateful to know one as one of my Tribe Members. They are so fun and so unique. They really can worry a lot but is because they love a lot.
Some of them can be stern and serious.
Look for the people growth
Independent but at the same time in need of the connection with others is really important.
The majority don't have the homesick feeling that most of the higher beings have.
9th dimension beings
They support us in this journey to transcend the limitations that the human being have imposed.
Natural born leaders.
They can have catlike physical trails.
Bored easily but have lot of passion for creative things
Hard workers
Grounded but risk takers also when they feel is worth it
Feel drown to Egypt (specially the Sphinx) and Atlantis societies.
Artistic in nature.
Love cats and feline creatures
Love to travel and explore
Some of them have dreams of big waves or drowning so some of them may be afraid of big water bodies like oceans.
Get distracted easily
5. Blue Avian Starseeds. I really don't know them or have the experience of meeting one of them just yet. But this is what other races told me about them.
A not fitting into the world kind of feeling
Attention to the detail.
Telepathic abilities.
Come from different higher dimensions (6-12)
Super intelligent
Free thinker
Scientific workers
Honor and freedom is really important for them
Understand pretty easily how things works
Most of them are vegan.
Active imagination
Friendly but competitive
Self confidence and fierce, they don't take back things that easily
Connecting with the Self so they become Spiritual Advisers in some of the cases.
They can be intense but caring.
Don't like confrontations.
Love technology even sometimes it could be difficult for them to manage them or understand it.
Love the attention.
6. Acturian Starseeds. One of my favorite because I work with so many of them. I have the blessing that one of my Tribe members and friend is one of the most older Acturians I know and one of my nephews is one as well. Great mathematicians and thinkers of life.
They can be drawn to drama even that they don't like it.
Sensitivity to light and sounds so some of them suffer from migraines
Hard to know them.
Attention seekers
They love to raise the consciousness of those around them
Drawn to advanced civilizations
Higher dimensions (5-9th)
Great speakers when is about subjects they love and are passionate about it
Deep thinkers
Natural guides.
Highly passionate about technology. They are called the fathers and mothers of technology,
Compassionate but omg they guard their own feelings and emotions with so much fierce energy.
Strong Storytellers
Shamanism and old healing knowledge
Not judgmental.
Not homesick feeling for some of them
Have this mission or feeling that they need to support society and human in the balance of creating a better society through spiritual and technology together.
Drive by success
Have an interest in sacred geometry.
They can be sometimes arrogant or have a big ego
Strong opinions
Can easily recognize patterns
Telepathic abilities
Enjoy attention and appreciation is really important for them to feel valued and appreciated.
7. Polarian Starseeds. I have the privilege to have one of my Tribe members being a Polarian with her father even he is in spirit through him both been able to learn so much about them. We don't have many of them in here in this planet.
Empathetic but guarded
Great Judgment
Logic and creativity
No tolerant of BS
Self worth is important for them
They are from the 6th dimension
Peaceful beings
Drawn to holistic practices
IQ high and sensitive
Sensual, sexual and social
Open free spirit.
Feel at home when surrounded by people that have the same vibration and mentality
Don't like violence
Most of them have a highly spiritual call
Drawn to know about other dimensions
Can gain weight easily
They have strong homesick feeling
In tune naturally with the seasons and energies of the earth
People pleasing
Creative and talkative
Love to express who they are
Value partnerships and teamwork
8. Pleiadian Starseeds. For me one of the most love guided and full of patience to guide us in this journey. You can say they are one of the most supportive ones. They are one of the most higher beings reincarnated in the Earth.
Support the Human experience in this planet
Support the Terroquians or Earth Spirits in their journey without judging them.
Support work by taking the energies of others and transmute it.
Esoteric body is bright light blue with sparkles of energies around it
Kind of blond hair in their esoteric body
Love is important for them
Soft in the way the talk
Kind in all the aspects from the way the act to the way the talk
Long Limbs
Some of them have food sensitivities
They become anxious or nervous when things don't get in their way and feel out of alignment.
Family and friends oriented
Metaphysical knowledge
Love astrology
Drawn to Space and related subjects
People Pleasers
Understand the concepts about polarities male/female, yin/yang, sun/moon, above/below, etc
They tend to have balanced lives
9. Draconian Starseeds. I don't have to much information about them because still is one of the ones that I don't have yet the experience of talking to them. So everything in this section is what they are telling me so far. I would be updating as I continue working and knowing the races of this Higher Beings.
Low frequency energies but they are in fact higher than the Terroquians or Earth Spirits.
Related to Reptilian
Long Faces
When not in alignment the can be Money oriented and money hungry
Drawn to warm places like Caribbean or islands
They love politics
Leaders specially in their communities.
Don't take authority very easily
Math and technology call them
Find easy to fit in or to hide in plain sight
They have a tendency of being really organize
The need of finishing what they started
Love to work in union towards the same goal
10. The Grays Starseeds. Another one yet I don't have the experience to know them personally so here it is some of the few things I was able to gather.
They tend to suffer from alienation, feeling they been misunderstood their whole life.
They don't tend to have a lot of hair in their bodies
Don't who emotions that easily
Don't like to feel vulnerable
Most of the time they have dark color hair
Some of them have photographic memory
Traditional Medicine
Human genetics and DNA is a subject they love
Some of them love Dragons
I decide to leave this up to here because I still need to go through so many more so let's do a second part with the rest of the Higher Beings.